What to Do When Your Baby Has Gas- Your baby is crying, and nothing you do seems to be working – welcome to every parents’ nightmare. If your baby looks uncomfortable and cranky, a gassy stomach might be the culprit. Dealing with a fussy baby who is crying frequently and for long periods of time is not easy. However, it is important to remember that passing gas is a natural part of being a baby. In fact, most babies pass gas 10 to 20 times a day. This is partly due to the fact that the stomach muscles in a baby’s body still need to mature. Supporting your baby's gut health with a probiotic formulated for babies is your first step in preventing uncomfortable gas. Here are other tricks and things you can do to soothe and comfort your child.
Burping frequently is easily the simplest way to prevent a buildup of gas. Pediatricians recommend burping your baby after every meal. To properly burp your baby hold your baby upright so that her head peeks out over your shoulder. Place one hand on her bottom to support her weight, and pat her back with gentle strokes to help release any trapped air in her digestive tract. Keep in mind that babies tend to spit out while burping so remember to place a burping cloth on your shoulder before you start.
If you are breastfeeding, hold your baby in a position where his stomach is lower than his mouth. Not only will this help him latch on properly, it will also ensure that all the milk he drinks slowly works its way to his stomach while the air bubbles escape easily. This position is also recommended for bottle-fed babies. Ensure that the bottle is tilted at an angle such that the entire nipple area is full of milk otherwise your baby will suck in plenty of air bubbles while eating. You can also opt for vented bottles or ready-made formula to reduce the amount of bubbles in the mix. Powdered formulas need to be shaken to mix it up properly, and all this shaking causes bubbles to rise all the way to the top. If you are using a powdered formula, allow the mixture to settle before feeding your baby.
Massaging your baby’s stomach with steady but gentle movements can help relieve gas. Either hold your baby upright or place her on her back before using light sweeping motions down her tummy. Switch up the downward sweeps with clockwise circular motions to push the gas out of her tummy. The light pressure applied by your hands on her taut abdomen can provide quick relief. Consider using a little baby oil for the massage for smoother movements.
Bicycle moments
If your attempts at getting your baby to burp have not worked, it may be time to work his legs. Sit down with your baby on your lap such that his face is up, his head is at your knees, and you are holding his legs. Slowly mimic the motion of bicycling by pumping your baby’s legs up and down. This is likely to help push trapped bubbles of air out of his body.
There is regular crying caused by gassy discomfort, and then there is the intense and long-lasting bawling caused by colic. Colic might be the result of an allergy to milk protein or specific food in the diet of a breastfeeding mother. Colic causes gas to be trapped in the baby’s intestine and results in severe pain in the stomach. So if your baby is less than four months old, and has been crying for three hours at a stretch for more than three days a week over consecutive weeks, colic is likely to be the offender. Stay calm, and lay your baby down in a dark and quiet room. Hold her close and gently rub her back or try the colic hold. While the incessant crying can be overwhelming, it is important to know that colic is common, and is in no way dangerous or harmful to your baby.
As a breastfeeding mother, the food you eat has a direct impact on your baby’s digestive system. Food items like coffee and milk products may be causing gas in your baby. If your baby is formula-fed, it might be a good idea to switch brands after getting a recommendation from your pediatrician. If you have just introduced solid foods to your baby’s diet, get ready for some game-changing gassy conundrums. So keep an eye out for specific foods that cause extra gas and discomfort in your little one.
Digestive support
Your baby’s gut microbiome develops at an intense pace after birth. This microbiome has a direct effect on your baby’s health and wellbeing and will continue to do so for the rest of her life. Introducing healthy bacteria to your baby’s digestive system is a gift that will keep giving. Choose probiotics that are specifically formulated for babies. LoveBug Probiotics can help your baby get the best start. From newborns and infants to toddlers, LoveBug’s Tiny Tummies probiotics are carefully designed and formulated to meet the needs of babies. Each flavorless powder packet with 15 billion CFU (colony-forming units) and can easily be added to food or milk. The proprietary blend of diverse strains ensures that your baby gets the best probiotic advantage. You can also rest assured that Tiny Tummies are gluten-free, non-GMP, and allergen-free. Give your child the building blocks that form the foundation of a healthy gut and bid adieu to gassy woes. References Forsyth BWC, McCarthy PL, Leventhal JM. Problems of early infancy, formula changes, and mothers’ beliefs about their infants. J Pediatr.1985;106:1012–1017. Koonce, T., Mounsey, A., & Rowland, K. (2011). Colicky baby? Here's a surprising remedy. The Journal of family practice, 60(1), 34-6. Savino F, Cordisco L, Tarasco V, et al. Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 in infantile colic: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Pediatrics.2010;126:e526–e533.
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‡ Patented BIO-tract® delivery technology consistently delivers as many as 15 times, or more, the number of live, viable probiotic organisms past simulated stomach acids than (plain/standard) capsules as repeatedly demonstrated through in vitro lab testing. BIO-tract® is a registered trademark of Probi.